Freshwater fish are pretty fascinating! Every continent has its own lakes, rivers, streams, and ponds that host a huge range of fish species. Most of the fish we usually keep as pets come from tropical waters, which are typically around 75-85°F. We can break them down by the continents where they’re found: South Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America, and brackish regions.
Tetras are small freshwater fish belonging to the family Characidae. They are commonly found in Africa, Central America, and South America, and include species from the former subfamilies Alestidae and Lebiasinidae.
The Siamese fighting fish, known as the betta, is a freshwater species commonly found in Southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam.
A barb is a type of ray-finned fish belonging to a non-phylogenetic group within the family Cyprinidae, commonly found in the genera Barbus and Puntius.
The zebrafish is a freshwater fish that belongs to the minnow family within the order Cypriniformes. Native to South Asia, it is a popular aquarium fish commonly sold under the trade name zebra danio.
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kuhli loachs.
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kuhli loachs.
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